Internet Banking safe and speedy

Internet Banking safe and speedy

Technology has altered our lives and habits significantly, enabling efficiencies and facilities like never before. We book air and train tickets on the Internet and have long stopped standing in queues and depending on booking agents.

We browse through our telephone bills to skim call durations for any misuse. We buy and sell equity shares on our online trading accounts, in a matter of minutes, while being tuned to the market and prices from wherever we are.

We search our mail history from email folders and snigger at someone who prints emails. We cannot remember the last time we sent a snail mail.

However, when it comes to our money, are we using Internet Banking for all the efficiencies it enables?


Anytime, Anywhere

The ability to access our account at anytime and from anywhere is invaluable.

We can check our balances, transactions and complete our payments for bills, EMIs, credit cards be it from your office, home or while travelling.

We can monitor excess cash and convert it to deposits. We can get alerts and reminders for what is due to be paid and plan our cash flows better.

An Internet Banking account makes it irrelevant to consider where we are and where our bank branch is.


Users can switch to the investment portal and complete the investment transactions for which money has been allocated from the bank account.

What are the transactions done using an Internet account?

The facilities depend on the bank and the type of account. Payment of bills, transfer of funds, creation of deposits, payment of EMIs and credit card dues and several non-financial transactions such as request for account statement and cheque book can be done online.

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