The stock market has fallen significantly and it is time to review them. First, let me start on macro level. The economy is not doing too good. As I had been commenting in my previous posts, macro-economic factors (domestic as well as global) have come into play. There is a significant slowdown in the economy and according to me it will stay so for next couple of years. The global economy is in a turmoil. US financial institutions are falling like nine-pins. I think next in line are European banks. Good news is that India is relatively better off. The global turmoil is going to affect a few industries like IT, Real Estate, Textiles, etc. Domestic growth stories are far less impacted. Moot question is what does one do in these times as far as investing goes. Today, the best option is cash. Cash is King. Have some liquidity at bay. The best opportunities to invest are in these times of turmoil. Though index is at around 11.5 k level, lot of stocks are available at valuations of 6000 ...