fundamentally strong stocks to buy

Buy low PE, high book value, high investments, high assets holdings stocks meeting one of the above criteria for example:
Jindal South West Holdings ( when its Sun Investment is listed in a year or so, JSWHL will cash out; that does not mean you wait two years to buy; Now is the time to buy while JSWHL has gone low from its peak)
MTNL (very high book value and land assets, investments, reserves etc whatever it takes it has)
 Jhunjhunwala Va (constantly rising high income profits, dividend paying, small capital)
Cairn ( valuable assets in ground and might discover more oil; price is very attractive and better than most IPOs)
Usha Martin Infotech ( very high book value, going to be very big in eLearning field which it had given away to IIT Chennai in 2001)
Maars Software: High value land holdings,high book value I think one will do beter buying above kind stocks

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